Ewen Quimerc'h · memos

My own git server

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You can find it here if it is available.

website status

How it is made

I used gitea, docker version. It runs on my own VM hosted by OVH.

I set up an nginx reverse proxy + https with certbot.

Why I made that

I think it is really cool to have my own git server. Plus, setup was interesting and I learnt some things!

What I learnt

  • Nginx: client max_body_size in Nginx options which were limiting the maximum repo upload size.
  • Git:
    • Uploading to several git host with a single line is possible
      • git remote add all http://... just add a repo named all
      • git remote set-url all --add add another url to the all reference ! A reference can have several urls
    • Why would I do that ?
      • We often add redundancies to running instances, but why not source code ?
      • Easy and add a lot of security
      • It’s possible that this git instance disappears in the future
categories: memo
tags: git