Ewen Quimerc'h · draft

Coalescence - a journey into my programming experience

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Coalescence - my journey as a developper.

The story

Coalescence is my first serious project. Even if it began very badly. It’s the project I began coding with, and I’m still working on it today!

It’s not my first experience in creating video games. I already used a lot RPG Maker before, but it’s the first time I coded for real. I didn’t begin to code for the sake of it but as a tool. That’s what brings me into software development: I just want to create stories and share them with people that matter to me. The means don’t matter, the product and its impact do.


I used 3 text editors, Editra to VS Code.

I discovered (and messed up with) Git with this project (and my first git rebase -i).

I also discovered Github, along with GH Actions (automation, CI/CD), GH Projects (project management).

I hired a graphist and a translator.

It is a 10k+ lines project (and it keeps growing), with all the challenges that come with code organization.

I discovered Python and variables and learned (the hard way) how to organize them in more efficient data structures (classes, dicts, lists…).

As the project grew, I had to create my own tools (the Renpy Visualizer, see Projects) to help organize the story.

I learned the basics of storytelling.

categories: project