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Ban spies 👀 forever (and ruin digital marketers 😎)

Ban spies the easy way - 5 min setup

Change your car (?!)

Internet is the road, your browser is your car. And the roads are full of cameras.

And with different cars come different ways to ride! Some want to drive a red Ferrari that everyone can see and track.

But you may want to hide your license plate while keeping a luxurious and ergonomic interior.

That’s what we’ll do.

Install the Firefox browser (desktop) (iOS) (Android).

This will help you in many ways without even changing your browsing experience. It is not different of Chrome, Edge or Safari even in terms of speed or RAM usage. In fact, you can customize the themes and extensions way farther than for other browsers!

If it is so incredible, why it is not more popular? 🤔

Easy answer. Of course, Google will install its Chrome into its Android products. And it’s the same for Microsoft and Edge installed by default on Windows or Apple with Safari on their iOS.

Many people don’t even think about changing the default apps - which suits Google and Apple well. Play smart ! 😉

Install some extensions

Install uBlock Origin on your Firefox browser. Even for smartphones, Firefox handles extensions perfectly well!

Use a different search engine

“Search it on Google!” “Just Google it!”

Google is now the synonym for “Search Engine” But there are many more out there ! Try switching to Qwant, DuckDuckGo… Simply go to the preferences and type “search engine”, then switch !

For nerds: you can go further.

Change the OS

Use linux. Windows is trash anyway and macOS, even if it’s very productive and handy, tries to control the user. With Linux you’re truly free. It comes with a drawback : you can control more your computer, so… you have to understand how you should control it!


Maximum privacy. Combine it with a VPN to get the best combo.

I use CAD to automatically delete my cookies every time I close my browser. These things don’t need to stay forever. I only allow (thanks to a whitelist system) a few websites.

Deactivate JavaScript

I know you’re smiling.

Now the Internet relies on Javascript. You can’t just get rid of it.

Oh, don’t worry. We will not get rid of it entirely. Some are necessary, some are evil or dangerous (even unintentionally!).

What should I keep?

  • First-party scripts. They are often necessary (but not always: in this blog, it is optional!)
  • Static content providers. They are mostly harmless and provide content like images and fonts.
  • Some CDN (Content delivery network).

What should you delete?

  • Trackers
  • All unknown or useless scripts

The NoScript extension for Firefox handle the management of scripts perfectly. Moreover, it will protect you from many others JavaScripts flaws.

But it’s hard work! I don’t wanna bother about it…

I’ve prepared a blacklist/whitelist that you can import in seconds.


categories: tech
tags: internet foss